We recently shared about Ailine and the opportunity we had to partner with her and help her provide better care for chickens. You can read more about Ailine, her story and why we wanted to partner here.
The beginning of March rolled around and we were fortunate to have two carpenters, Curt Oakley and Jim Mathieu join us who wanted to serve and do whatever they could/was needed to be done. With the funds they raised, they were able to help us complete a konbit and get Ailine two new chicken pens.
On March 7th we were able deliver two portable 4ft x 4ft x 3ft pens. WHOOP WHOOP! Her chickens no longer have to fight for survival in a 2ft x 2ft square tarp house attached to the side of her sleeping quarters.
We will be staying connected with Ailine and checking in on her and her chicken business regualary. We are looking forward to seeing how this helps her better care for herself and her family.
These are the things we love to help with because these are the things that can be sustained by Haitians for years to come. This is one way we build communities physically.
Curt and Jim, thank you for coming and thank you for using your gifts and abilities.
And with that we say, it's another