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Meet Ailine.

Ailine was born into a chicken raising family and she proudly continues the work of her youth. She doesn't sell your run-of-the-mill chickens that you see freely roaming the streets in Haiti though. She sells high quality, specialty chickens that gross more of an income when sold in the market and require a strict diet as they're being raised.

Every week Ailine travels back and forth from Port-au-Prince caring for chickens and toting them in huge crates to be sold in the street mega-market. Every week she contributes to the economy of her country and the well-being of her family.

When we first met Ailine, we were blown away by her knowledge of these chickens, her pride in her work and the dedication to the work, finances and demands of caring for her chickens well. We were blown away but what she has been doing and we wanted to learn from her.

After spending some time with her and hearing what all she does, we asked if there was anything we could do to help her.

Her request?

A better place to care for her chickens and a solar light for night eatings for her chickens.

<<<---------This is her current chicken coop situation.

This is a person we want to get behind because she has been doing this to provide for her family but because of the living conditions of her chickens, she has lost more than she's able to grow and sell in the market. This is a person who takes pride in what she does who just needs a little help to make her business a little more profitable so her family can be better taken care of. And now we're asking YOU to partner with us in this endeavor.​ Watch the video below and then consider the part you can play and the impact you can make.

Will you help us raise $500 to build a chicken coop

and purchase a solar light for Ailine?


You can donate towards Ailine's chicken coop here:

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