Early January 2021 Vladimir completed his moto contract with us! 56 payments over the past year and the vehicle is all his. Even amidst unrest and COVID he worked, navigating bike repairs and injuries, providing for his family, working hard everyday.
Those papers you see are in his name. He poured blood, sweat, and tears into having that bike in his name.
We provide a no cost loan for the bike, but that does not make it easy. He did it and the pride that he feels is palpable. He owns a motorcycle and a way to provide. If he is diligent and cautious, that bike will serve his family and create income for years to come.
Well done Vladimir. We are so very happy for you.
Join us in praying for his safety and prosperity!
Proverbs 21:5 Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.
Vladimir is one of our community's busiest drivers. He is always seen zooming from our village to the nearest city. He is safe, efficient, and the kindest driver. We are so thankful to partner with him as he reaches financial security.