June 21, 2021
Lilline is a married mom with a 4-year-old boy. She has 5 years of experience in the production of amidon (powdered stabilizer like cornstarch). Her little section of our neighborhood is known for making amidon, the various producers are friendly and help each other out. One of Lilline’s dilemmas is having enough space to dry her product. She currently borrows others people’s drying space when they are not using it. Having her own drying space will increase the quantity of powder she can produce. She has spoken to the owner of the property where they others currently dry theirs and has gotten permission to build a drying rack of her own. The loan received from KONBIT will allow her to purchase a new garden while she uses business profits to buy materials for her own drying rack. See included images for an idea of what the drying process looks like.
Jeff Fanger, our KONBIT business guru, always prays with people when giving them the loans. Lilline was very open with her struggle to find a church. Jeff and Lilline had a wonderful conversation about God’s love and the freedom it brings. We are praying that she really feels God’s embrace and understands His love for her.
Join us and let’s pray for Lilline’s business, too. We want to see her succeed and feel all the dignity and security that comes from being able to provide for your family.
