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April, 2 2021

Madame Gaston lives in Lafferonnay with her husband and two children. She has a small business boutique (wooden table street-side shop) near the soccer field selling rice , beans and cold drinks . She came to KONBIT wanting a small business loan to expand her business to include sandals. With the amount people must walk here and how hard the terrain is, shoes wear out FAST. Sandals are always in demand.

After reviewing and discussing all of her items along with their cost (with profit and loss understood) , Konbit gave her a no interest loan to add sandals to her product offering. This helps her with her dream of expanding her business! We suggested, and she gratefully accepted, that the sandal profit would be 100% reinvested to continue her business expansion. So, for now all her profit margin on the sandals will go into further sandal purchases. These sandals are how God is weaving a safety net for her family. We are grateful to have a part in his craftsmanship.

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