November 15, 2021
Davidson Chery is one of business partners. Electric in the Lafferonnay is almost nonexistent. Public electric may turn on at any time of the day or night, stay on for anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, then be off again for days or usually weeks. Communication to others via cell services or on apps (like WhatsApp) is critical for daily life, just like in the US. This is very difficult with the nearly non existent electricity. To overcome this obstacle most Haitians rely on small businesses to charge their phones/phone backups/laptops and the like. Davidson’s business vision is to start a charging station.
Davidson stopped by KONBIT with a list of items that he wanted to purchase. After discussing this with him, he returned with projected sales. The cost of solar panels, batteries, inverter, and charge controller was factored into a conservative estimation of sales to determine a reasonable payback period. His desire was to take any additional profits earned and purchase other items to sell to further increase his business.
He was excited to be approved and after visiting his home, we gave him a ride right back so he could go immediately to purchase the items needed.
Please pray for Davidson, his business success and his family. Well done, Davidson, keep up the hard work! Kenbe Fem!